Decorating with House Plants

Decorating with House Plants

There's nothing like rich greenery to brighten up a living space, and the positive impact plants have on our health and well-being is well documented. From improving air quality to boosting mood an...
How to Rent Furniture and What to Consider

How to Rent Furniture and What to Consider

In recent years, the trend of renting furniture for your home has been steadily gaining in popularity. With the rise of minimalistic living, the desire for flexibility, and the increasing awareness...
Top Interior Design Tips from Our Expert
Styling advice

Top Interior Design Tips from Our Expert

In the world of interior design, the overwhelming amount of inspiration and exposure to constantly changing trends can quickly distort your vision when transforming your home. Whether you're making...
Making Your Space Your Own: Renter-Friendly Ideas
Styling advice

Making Your Space Your Own: Renter-Friendly Ideas

Owning a home isn’t the right fit for everyone – whether you prefer the flexibility of renting or are saving up for your dream home. Renting can be a great option, rental properties can vary massiv...
Transform Your Living Room Corner
Modular Storage

Transform Your Living Room Corner

In many homes, there's a corner of the living room that often goes unnoticed, a bit neglected, you know the one. Many of us have it, collecting dust and housing odds and ends, yet the underutilised...
How to Maximise Space with a Sideboard

How to Maximise Space with a Sideboard

Did the new year ignite a desire for a well-organised home that effortlessly combines organisation with style? Whether your aspirations involve decluttering, optimising storage, or instilling a tou...
New Year, New Declutter Habits
Modular Storage

New Year, New Declutter Habits

Welcome to 2024 – a fresh start and an ideal time to declutter your home, both physically and mentally. At Shelved, we understand the transformative power of an organised home. As you embark on you...
Mastering Modular Furniture: Our FAQs Unveiled
Modular Storage

Mastering Modular Furniture: Our FAQs Unveiled

When it comes to transforming your living space, integrating a storage solution that not only optimises space but also seamlessly blends your interior design is crucial. We put this aesthetics/func...
The BEST Modular TV Unit?
Living Room

The BEST Modular TV Unit?

Having recently delved into the benefits of modular furniture as a whole, in this blog post we wanted to direct all our attention to the Shelved modular TV units. We supply a wide range of contempo...